How to code augmented reality

How to Code Augmented Reality: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

If you are interested in developing augmented reality (AR) applications, you have come to the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the basics of AR development and help you understand how to code it from scratch. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, this guide will provide you with the necessary knowledge and skills to create engaging AR experiences.

What is Augmented Reality?

AR is a technology that overlays digital content onto the real world. This allows users to interact with virtual objects in their physical environment, creating a more immersive and interactive experience. AR is used in a variety of applications, including gaming, education, and marketing.

How does Augmented Reality Work?

AR works by using sensors, cameras, and algorithms to track the user’s position and orientation in the real world. This information is then used to create an AR environment that overlays digital content onto the user’s view of the physical world. The AR experience can be customized to suit the user’s needs, allowing them to interact with virtual objects in a variety of ways.

Getting Started with Augmented Reality Development

Before you start coding AR applications, it is important to have a basic understanding of programming concepts and technologies. Some popular programming languages used for AR development include C++, Java, and Unity. It is also important to have a good understanding of 3D modeling and animation, as well as computer vision and machine learning techniques.

One of the most popular platforms for AR development is Unity. Unity is a cross-platform game engine that supports both ARKit and Vuforia, two of the most widely used AR frameworks. With Unity, you can create AR applications for iOS, Android, and Windows devices.

Tools and Resources for Augmented Reality Development

There are many tools and resources available to help you get started with AR development. Some popular tools include:

  • ARToolKit – an open-source AR framework for iOS and macOS developed by Apple.
  • Vuforia – a commercial AR platform that supports multiple platforms and can be customized to your needs.
  • Aurasma – a free AR development platform that allows you to create augmented reality experiences for mobile devices.
  • Wikitude – a commercial AR platform that supports multiple platforms and can be used for both indoor and outdoor experiences.
  • Tools and Resources for Augmented Reality Development

  • ARKit – an AR framework developed by Apple that is designed specifically for iOS and macOS devices.

Tutorials and Guides for Augmented Reality Development

There are many tutorials and guides available online that can help you learn how to code AR applications. Some popular resources include:

  • Unity documentation – extensive documentation on how to use Unity for AR development, including tutorials and sample projects.
  • ARToolKit documentation – documentation on how to use ARToolKit for AR development, including tutorials and sample projects.
  • Vuforia documentation – documentation on how to use Vuforia for AR development, including tutorials and sample projects.
  • Aurasma documentation – documentation on how to use Aurasma for AR development, including tutorials and sample projects.
  • Wikitude documentation – documentation on how to use Wikitude for AR development, including tutorials and sample projects.
  • ARKit documentation – documentation on how to use ARKit for AR development, including tutorials and sample projects.

Case Studies of Augmented Reality Applications

There are many examples of successful AR applications that can help inspire you and give you a better understanding of the technology’s capabilities. Some popular case studies include:

  • IKEA Place – an AR app that allows users to preview furniture in their homes before buying it.
  • Pokemon Go – a mobile game that uses AR to allow players to catch virtual creatures in their physical environment.
  • Snapchat filters – a popular feature of the Snapchat app that uses AR to overlay digital content onto user photos and videos.
  • Zappos’ AR try-on – an AR app that allows customers to try on shoes virtually before buying them.
  • The North Face’s AR experience – an AR experience that allows customers to see how clothing will look on them in different environments.


Augmented reality is a powerful technology that has the potential to revolutionize many industries. With the right tools, resources, and knowledge, anyone can learn how to code AR applications and create engaging experiences for users.